FAQ – General Enquiries

Credit unions are for everyone in our community, regardless of income. For this reason we especially provide essential financial services to many people who would otherwise be financially excluded and susceptible to loan sharks and sub-prime lenders.

To join Derbyshire Community Bank you must live or work in Derbyshire.

Unlike banks which are open to the general public, membership of credit unions in the UK is restricted to those who fit a defined ‘common bond’, which is legally defined in their rules. Anyone can become a member, however you must share a ‘common bond’ with other members such as: Live or work in the same area Work for the same employer as other members

Our Common Bond

Sign up by clicking here:

Register Here

Once you’ve signed up, just send over £1, once we receive it your account will be active and you’ll be able to save with us or apply for a loan.

You can do this via our Online DCB App or call us on 01332 348144. We may require evidence of your change e.g. utility bill.

Just visit: https://www.dcbank.org.uk/loan/ or apply via the app under Account Management. If you’re not already a member, you can sign up and apply at the same time! Check our FAQ on loans to decide which is the right loan for you.

You can make a formal complaint to us with our complaints page We take complaints about our service very seriously. Read our complaints page for full information

Complaints Page

We are required by legislation to verify the identity and proof of address for all our Members.
When joining DCBank, you will be sent to Yoti, which will process and validate your identity.
You will need government-issued documents that include your full name, photograph, residential address and/or date of birth.
The following are acceptable forms of identification:
  1. Valid passport
  2. Valid photocard driving licence (full or provisional)
  3. National Identity card
  4. Firearms certificate or shotgun licence
  5. Identity card issued by the Electoral Office for Northern Ireland
If you do not hold the above then two documents from the list below are required as evidence of ID. The second document may be either government-issued, or issued by a judicial authority, a public sector body or authority, a regulated utility company, or another FCA-regulated firm in the UK financial services sector, or in an equivalent jurisdiction, which incorporates:
  1. your full name and either:
  2. your current residential address OR
  3. your date of birth
One document from each column:
Government-issued documents without a photograph include:
  1. Valid (old style) full UK driving licence
  2. Recent evidence of entitlement to a state or local authority-funded benefit (including housing benefit and council tax benefit), tax credit, pension, educational or other grant
Other document including:
  1. Current council tax demand letter, or statement
  2. Current bank statements, or credit/debit card statements, issued by a regulated financial sector firm in the UK, EU or an equivalent jurisdiction (but not ones printed off the internet)
  3. Utility bills (but not printed from the internet)
  4. Instrument of a court appointment (such as liquidator, or grant of probate)
We will contact you if we need further information or additional proof of ID.
If you do not hold any of the above then please contact us to discuss your options.

We are only able to accept new Members who live or work within Derbyshire or Derby City. This is defined as our ‘common bond’.

There are more than 300 credit unions operating in the UK. Most have either a residential or employment (or both) common bond. Check findyourcreditunion.co.uk to find a credit union near you.

Check out our Common Bond Page